FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

President's Message

Our Vision:  To be the Cornerstone of the Community

At McIntosh County Bank, being the Cornerstone of the Community means providing services to our primary industry; Agriculture.  We are an agriculture-orientated bank.  We are also attuned to the needs of our community residents; we take part in the everyday activities and organizations necessary to keep our community healthy and thriving.  We want to be involved in every facet of our community where we can make a difference.

Our Mission:  

  • Provide superior customer service
  • Foster lifelong financial relationships
  • Contribute our time and talent to our community
  • Create a dynamic, rewarding environment for employees
  • Hold fast to the principals of our shareholders

We are family-owned; run by fourth-generation family members that have raised families of our own in this community.  As a locally owned business, we are small enough to know you by name, yet large enough to provide the necessary products and services you need for your everyday life and business. We believe that, in hiring and retaining quality employees, we are able to reach and meet the expectations of our customers.  Additionally, employees that are treated well and compensated appropriately are more able to meet the goals we set for delivering quality services to our customers.  

When customers are happy, and employees are happy, the goals set by our shareholders are more attainable.  It is this balance of excellent customer service, rewarding work environment and acceptable earnings to our shareholders that we are able to exist to this day since our humble beginnings in 1911.

AD ag-loans

AD mobile-banking